With many people taking their classic VWs off the road for the winter, we thought it was time to explain more about the laid up insurance cover available from Just Kampers Insurance.
Whether you’re working on or restoring your vehicle over the course of a few months, you’re not driving it while campsites are closed during the off-season, or you just don’t fancy driving your camper during the winter, Just Kampers Insurance has specialist insurance policies to keep your pride and joy protected even when it’s not on the road.
What is laid up insurance?
Simply put, laid up insurance covers a vehicle whilst it’s kept off the road, but does not include any cover for road use.
There are three different levels of laid up cover available from Just Kampers Insurance, which are:
• Accidental damage, and fire,
• Accidental damage, fire, and theft,
• Fire, and theft
This cover applies when the vehicle is kept at your home address, or on a driveway, garage, or during transport in a locked vehicle or secured trailer.
Your vehicle won’t be covered for use on the roads if it has laid up insurance, but it will be covered if driven for track days, race events, or to MOTs and IVA tests.
How much it costs
There are different levels of excess, depending on the value of the vehicle. The prices below will give you a good indication of what a laid-up insurance policy will cost, but for more accurate information it’s best to give the Just Kampers Insurance team a call on 01256 444546.
A 55-year-old with a £20,000 VW T2 Bay and Fire & Theft Cover: £118.20
A 40-year-old with a Modified 1992 Golf GTI and Accidental damage, Fire and Theft cover: £109.47
A 30-year-old with a standard 2000 Toyota MR2 and Accidental damage, Fire and Theft cover: £91.22
Who can apply?
Laid up insurance from Just Kampers Insurance is available to anyone aged 21 years or older. Any motorised vehicle, whether it’s complete or in build, can be insured with a laid up policy from Just Kampers Insurance, whether or not it’s DVLA registered.

How do you add it
A quick call to the Just Kampers Insurance team on 01256 444546 is all you’ll need to get set up with laid up cover – it doesn’t take long, and our friendly team will be able to go over the details with you to ensure you’re properly covered.
How long can your vehicle be laid up for?
There’s no set time limit for how long you can have your vehicle on a laid-up insurance policy, you can be laid up for weeks, months or even years.
How do you tell the insurer you’re back on the road?
Just give our Just Kampers Insurance team a call on 01256 444546 and let them know that you’re back on the road, and we’ll be able to talk through ending your laid up cover and getting you competitive, tailored cover to protect your camper, car or other vehicle while you’re on the road.
Want to know more?
If you want to know more about getting laid up cover for your vehicle, get in touch with our Just Kampers Insurance team. Give us a call on 01256 444546 or click here to contact us.