Legal Protection

This is a complementary cover provided with all our insurance policies. It protects you in the event of any out-of-pocket expenses incurred by you following an accident that is not your fault. Cover Includes:

  • Up to £100,000 of cover to include hire/repair and legal expenses following accidents occurring in the UK
  • Legal advice and assistance to help you pursue a claim for losses not already covered by existing insurance
  • Help to claim compensation for injury or losses for you and any passengers
  • Wherever possible, a like-for-like replacement vehicle to help you stay mobile (and the option of having your repairs organised and funded) if the accident occurred in the UK and wasn’t your fault

Legal Expenses Insurance is automatically included free of charge with your insurance policy. If you would like to talk to our team about Legal Cover, please call 01256 444546 or click on Get a Quote for an instant online quotation, or use our web call back service, and we will call you back at a time that suits.